Friday, November 25, 2011

Package Redesign Ideas

I think that I will redesign a package from the food, household appliances, or office supplies industries. I want the product to have a freebie in it, so that the consumers will prefer this company over the alternatives. I also want the packaging to be reusable to store other things in. If I do a food item, I want  the packaging to somehow limit the consumers consumption so that they won't overeat.

I think that I want to redesign a BiC multi color pen. I love having a variety of choices for color and whenever I get one of these pens I get really excited. It could come with a pack of sticky notes or a keychain.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Final Book Cover

Even though I had some craft issues I am still so impressed by the finished book cover. Suggestions from the critique were to use a thin yellow stroke around the images, reduce the images to 80%, add space (between the brain, memories, and author's name), take the stroke off of the titles, and to  reduce the text size of the reviews on the back. My personal suggestions are to add something on the spine (either the brain or the publisher's logo) and to change the color of the spine to a lighter blue like the flaps.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Book Cover Ideas Update

So my book cover concept will be a large brain with a circle or square around the aneurysm. Either on top or surrounding this brain will be 4-5 scenes of memories. Possible memories include: the main character driving a fast car, flying in an airplane, meeting his son, falling down a mountain, and running from the Death Angels. All of these memories will be fading.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Final Poster

This is my event poster for the Celebrate Freedom concert at Jim R. Miller Park. I'm very surprised with how this poster turned out. I'm glad that I explored with color finally! I really wish that I used some effects and experimented with perspective tools.

- Newsboys could be moved over to the left.
- The bottom text could be larger because there is a lot of space between the ribbon and performance information.
- The color of the hand drawn type could be changed to yellow instead of red.
- Move the website url up, it's too close to the bottom.

Three down two projects left to go.